Exe Valley Mission Community


Calverleigh Summer 2021 Update

With the warmer weather finally arriving we are pleased that the door at St. Mary's has been able to open once again for regular Sunday services and parishioners worshipping together.  We are now looking forward to the time when we are able to sing together inside the building.

Zoom and Conference calls for the Sunday service with Steph and Robert are continuing and are still well received. It is available for those who are unable to attend church in person and it a great opportunity for us to worship together with people from other churches within the town, it's surrounding villages and also people from further afield. Our thanks go to Robert and Steph for all their hard work to make this happen. We wish Robert all the best with his new ministry which begins in July. God bless you Robert.

The APCM was held on 26 April via Zoom. Aubrey Goldsworthy and Jackie Herniman were returned as Churchwardens once again for the coming year and the current PCC members also remain in place.  At the meeting thanks were given for all that they do throughout the year and also go to everyone who have been supporting the church fniancially during this past year or with keeping the church grounds tidy for visitors. If you would be interested in becoming a PCC member for a year or two, please get in contact - believe it or not it doesn't have to be a life-long commitment!

Our Annual Day of Prayer took place on Saturday 1 May. Twelve hours of prayer was covered in half hour segments by over 30 people and we are extremely grateful to all those who join in each year for this faith filled special time.

Congratulations go to Margaret and Colin Radford on celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary. Our love and best wishes go to you both and to anyone else who has been celebrating a special occasion.

A group service of Holy Communion was led by Rev'd Steph Gordon-Jeffs on Pentecost Sunday, 23 May.  The maximum amount of people who could be there under social distancing filled the church. Steph had arranged 'live' music for us in the form of Dave Edwards, playing his guitar and Sue Rivett playing her violin. It was great to hear actual voices singing in church after so long and the service was lovely. Thank you Steph. The rain prevented us from singing the first hymn outside but did hold off just long enough at the end of the service for the congregation to move outside to sing the last hymn. The intention was to have a picnic in the churchyard after the service where anyone who wanted to attend could do so, but unfortunately the weather was against us that weekend.

Sadly we heard the news of the passing of Mavis Pope. Mavis had lived in the village for a few years and regularly attended both parish and church functions. Our condolences go to her family, friends and also to those others who are grieving the loss of a loved one.

A warm welcome to new residents to Calverleigh who have moved to the village in the past couple of months.  We hope that you are settling in well to your new surroundings and we look forward to meeting you as soon as restrictions ease and normal activities can resume properly.

Events Coming up (in person and everything!)

Our next monthly time of prayer will be on Saturday 3 July from 9am - 11am in the comfort of your own home or car. In August it will be on Saturday 7.

The Produce Show is scheduled to take place on Saturday 28 August in the village hall. Parishioners and supporters of St. Mary's are invited to take part. Schedules are available from Rita Tapp or Sheila Greenslade.

Do you have any good photos of the village, past or present? From events, or from lockdown that you'd like to share on the website or in a forthcoming magazine? Please send your photos, news, birthday messages, anniversary congratulations, alien abduction stories (or anything else) to Dave Burton by calling 01884 561499 or by email: calverleigh@exevalleychurches.org.

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