Exe Valley Mission Community


Calverleigh October Update

How lovely it has been to have the opportunity to return to church to celebrate Holy Communion around our Mission Community and to spend time and fellowship, albeit distanced and with no singing, with Steph and friends from other parishes.

Potato competition update: This information was not available in time for the last magazine so our congratulations go to the winning potato growers. With an amazing 20lb 8oz the winner of the men was Geoffrey,  the ladies group was won by Brenda with a crop weight of 10lb 7oz and the children's group was won by 2½ year old Tilly whose potatoes' weighed in at 6lb 8oz who went out every day with her watering can to make her potatoes grow.  Although we were at that time in lockdown Gillian thanked the 50 participants for continuing to take part and a total of £700 was raised for church funds.  We too would like to thank everyone for their efforts and generosity and especially to Gillian and Mary for working out a way for the competition to still continue.

It was with sadness that we learnt of the passing of David Burnett whose funeral took place on 2 September with burial in Calverleigh churchyard. David was born at Leigh Farm, Loxbeare where he grew up and farmed until moving into Tiverton in 1986. He kept up his connection with Calverleigh church through his love of bellringing and for many years was a regular part of the team. He enjoyed returning for social events to meet past friends until illness prevented him from doing so. Our thoughts and prayers are with David's family at this most difficult of times.

The burial of ashes of Michael Sloman also took place in September and our condolences go to his family and to everyone else grieving the loss of a loved one at a time when we are unable to celebrate the life of a loved one in a way that we had been able to before the pandemic. We also remember at this time all those we know who are ill, receiving or awaiting treatment and pray that you will be feeling better soon.

Fortunately we were able to hold an open-air group Harvest Celebration on Sunday 13 September. A good number of people came together in the churchyard, at the relevant distance from each other, to give thanks to God for all the good gifts he provides. Sitting within the calm surroundings we were able to enjoy bird song, nature and the lovely, warm sunny weather. Although we were unable to sing, we could at least listen to some harvest hymns. Donations were given for produce that was brought along to the service.  Tinned and packet food was donated to CHAT for their food bank.  Thanks were also given to our farmers and growers for all they provide for our daily needs. Thank you Steph, and to all who took part, for a lovely service and the first opportunity for Calverleigh to host a service since lockdown began in March.

The window restoration is ongoing with two windows now have been practically completed. 

Due to the current restrictions on meeting together in groups of more than 6 we are sadly unable to hold our Autmn Fayre this year.  Hopefully in the new year we will be able to confidently arrange fundraising and social events and meet together again for fun and fellowship.

Our monthly 2 hour time of prayer will next take place on Saturday 3rd October and again on Saturday 7th November, between 9.00 am and 11.00am.  If you would like to join in, even if only for a few minutes, please do so.  Prayer suggestions will be available on the website or emailed in the week leading up to it.

Nik and Dave have produced a Calverleigh Church fridge 2021 calendar, which is available at a cost of £2.50 per calendar. To order please email: david.burton@doivedesigns.co.uk or call 01884 561499. All profits will go to the church's general funds.

They are also organising a special "Nativity Characters" competition which will run at the start of December. We want you to create any character from the Nativity - big or small, made out of anything - inside or outside your home and then send us a photo for a chance to win a hamper of Christmas goodies. Costs will be as follows: £1.50 for Under 10s, £2.50 for Under 18s and £3.50 for grown ups! A prize will be given for each age group. All profits will go to the church. The winners will be announced probably via Skype or Zoom in mid December, please call 01884 561499 or email: david.burton@doivedesigns.co.uk before 1 December to enter. Further details will be provided on the website closer to the time. 

Do you have any other ingenious ideas for fundraising which can be carried out during these socially distancing times?  If so please get in contact with Aubrey or Jackie. There are a couple of things in the pipeline. We are grateful to those who have already completed fundraising events this year towards the windows/church funds.

Please look at the website to keep informed of any events/services that are able to go ahead.  We will be hoping to arrange a couple of services in the next two months.

If you would like to be included on the Calverleigh emailing list for updates/church services please contact Julie at thegoldsworthys@yahoo.co.uk.

Is there anything you want us to put in the next magazine? Or have we missed something? Please send them to Dave Burton by calling 01884 561499 or by email: calverleigh@exevalleychurches.org.

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