Exe Valley Mission Community


Loxbeare June 2019 Round Up

Our Mothering Sunday Service was held in the Village Hall and was taken by Linda.  It was a lovely service and the Children participated and also distributed the flowers.  It was preceded by a full English Breakfast cooked by the men.  Thank you to all who helped.

Palm Sunday Service was taken by Steph, Jean & Carol.  There was a procession around Loxbeare House & back to the church following a pony, kindly provided by Bob Weatherley, to represent the donkey Jesus rode into Jerusalem on & throwing coats for the pony to walk on.  Many thanks to Andrew & Donna.

On Good Friday John led the Meditation Service remembering Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for us all.  Our Easter Sunday Service was also taken by John with Family Communion celebrating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah! He is risen.  Thank you to all who decorated the Church so beautifully.

On 5 May we welcomed Washfield & Calverleigh joining us for the Cluster Service with Holy Communion.  It was lovely to see so many.  The service was taken by Rev. Jane Wilson.

The Woman’s Bible Study continue to meet fortnightly at Jean’s, Barton View.  Details in middle pages or contact Marion on 01884 256302.

There will be a PCC meeting on 2 July in the Village Hall.  BBQ service this year will be in the Hall on 14 July. BBQ at 12.30 followed by the service.

We were sad to hear that Mrs Hilda Forward has passed away.  Hilda lived in Loxbeare for most of her life, moving to Tiverton on retirement.  With Wilfred her husband they ran the Royal Oak Cash & Carry at Gibbet.  They did a tremendous work with the children in the area ferrying many every Sunday to Loxbeare Gospel Hall for Sunday School & teaching them about the Bible & Christian faith for many years.  She was a wonderful organist/piano player, using her talents in Church & later years Senior Citizens.  She will be remembered with such fondness & it was a great tribute to her that so many attended her funeral at Calverleigh.

We also send our thoughts & prayers to Mike Allso’s family & friends.  Mike passed away in April after a long illness.  He & his family lived at East Sidborough many years ago after Dave Arney (whose death was reported in the last magazine) & family moved away.  Mike was involved in Church & Village life, and later was ordained in the Church of England.

Our thoughts & prayers are with Bob Weatherley, Derek McManus, Leslie Tidball, Liz Barrow, Malcolm Jowitt of Great Haydon and all who are feeling unwell at this time.

A belated welcome to Rob & Frankie Easterbrooke who have moved into The Orchard.  We hope you will soon settle in and feel at home in Loxbeare.

Happy Birthday to all with birthdays in June/July and congratulations to those celebrating special occasions.

Congratulations & best wishes to Antonia Heard and Ben Guscott on their forthcoming Wedding on 15 June.  May you have a lovely day & have a long & happy life together.  Also to Scott & Pippa, Daws Cottage, on their engagement over Easter.

Congratulations also to Richard & Kate Holland on the birth of their son Brandon on 12 March.  Best wishes to you all on your happy & special events.

Loxbeare Ladies Dates: Contact Sue on 01884 259496 for dates & activities – usually the first Monday in the month.

There will be a cream tea on 8 June & 13 July in the Village Hall between 3-5pm.

Loxbeare Social Night Dates: 29 June there will be a walk followed by a picnic with hot dogs.  Starting 7pm at the Village Hall.

20 July to be arranged.  Contact Carol on 01884 881480.

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